Tuesday, 21 October 2014


Thursday, 9 October 2014

Unit 18 P1

What is a database?
A database is used as an organized mechanism that is able to store, manage and retrieve information. They make this possible by the use of tables. These tables consist of columns and rows. Every column has a different attribute and every row and every row corresponds to a single record. Although they are similar to spread sheets databases are in fact a lot more powerful in the way data is manipulated. There is a wide range of actions that databases can do that spread sheets cant, for example:
Update records in bulk
Perform complex calculations
Retrieve all records in a certain criteria
Cross-reference records in different tables 
All of the above examples give a good insight as to why databases are much more efficient than paper based solutions. This is because if you were to update in bulk on paper it could take you hours whereas on a computer based data base it could be done in seconds, and you can easily see if you made a mistake and it’s simple to correct it. Similarly if you were to try to take on complex calculations on paper based, this would not only take you personally to be good at maths, but could also take a long amount of time, whereas a database can take minimal effort and time without making mistakes.
Database forms are often referred to as “data entry screens”. They are interfaces which are used to work with your data and normally contain command buttons, which all perform different commands. A way to create databases without these forms is to edit the data in the table’s datasheets. Although a lot of database software and users prefer forms for viewing, entering and editing data. Another bonus of using forms is using command buttons, you can program certain buttons to choose which data shows up on the form, open different forms, and do much more, such as, you could have specific form for a customer, with command buttons, you could have a command button that would open this customers order form, which you can then edit. Forms can also be used as a method of security, this is because you can create forms that will only show certain fields and will only allow certain operations to be performed. These are more efficient than paper based solutions because you would need a number of sheets for each customer alone, so you would have less chance of losing it. It also allows security, which isn’t possible on paper based solutions. 
Database reports present data from a database, these reports can be printed from the database which allows you to view the data quickly and easily. Reports are the summary of your database they can present the information visually in the form of graphs and charts etc. They are more efficient than paper base solutions because they automatically summarise the data, they also can automatically and instantly present the data in forms of graphs and charts etc. whereas paper based solutions would require you personally to summarise and present the data, which could take a long time.
A switchboard is a form that contains a navigation menu which allows you to switch to other queries, reports and forms in your database. These are more efficient than paper based solutions because on a paper based solution you would have to navigate your own way around sheets and sheets of paper whereas on a database with switc

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Unit 2 P2 updated

An operating system is a layer of control which allows the user to interface between the hardware and the software. The operating system is in charge of managing the computer and it allows the user to run software. 

There are many different operating systems available, but the most popular ones are Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. 

Most modern operating systems have a GUI and multitasking features. A GUI is graphic user interface and it is what you see on your monitor, it allows you to easily access installed programs. Multitasking is when you run two or more programs at a given time, early systems did not support this, so when you were running painting software and you wanted to change to text editor you would have to close the painting software in order to run the other piece of software.

Modern computers allow you to run almost limitless software at the same time as a result of large amounts of RAM and powerful multi core CPUS.

The three main types of operating systems are Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.

Most operating systems now come with their own security, for example Windows 8 features Windows Defender, this is a program that runs in the background and notifies you when you need to take an action, it also allows you to scan your computer for malware if your computer is running slow or isn’t working, it also protects you online and prevents you clicking on virus links or emails containing a virus. They also have internet security, this will prevent you from downloading files that contain viruses.  


Windows features ‘My Documents, My Pictures, My Music, My Videos and Downloads’ this allows you to manage your files as soon as you get the computer and want to transfer documents across from an old computer etc. All files that you download should automatically go into your ‘Download’ folder, but you are able to choose where your files save to. You are also able to create folders in these main folders to make your files neater and easier now to navigate. In windows it is also possible to have more than one user on the computer at the time and you can leave a user running in the background.


Machine and peripheral management manages all the devices installed on the computer, the sort of things that machine and peripheral management manages are things such as external storage devices, phones, cameras etc. This allows transfers of things such as music, pictures and videos; it also allows you to back up devices such as mobile phones.   




P7 Unit 2 Update

Expected Result
Actual Result
Action Required
Software applications open and work as intended
Click on the desktop shortcuts for Microsoft Office, Google Chrome and Photoshop.
Things such as Microsoft Office, Google Chrome and Photoshop should all load and run smoothly.
All applications were successful in loading and they all ran smoothly.
Default folder settings are correct
I will go into my emails and save a document I sent to myself earlier.
When I download a file from the internet it should save into the download folder.
The file successfully saved to the download folder.
Desktop shortcuts go to the right place
I will right click Google Chrome in the start menu and click ‘Create desktop shortcut’ I will then double click the shortcut
When I click the Google Chrome desktop shortcut it should proceed to load Google Chrome.
When I clicked the shortcut Google Chrome was successfully loaded.
The correct device drivers are installed
I will plug my phone into a USB slot then go onto device management.
When I go onto the device management all my devices should be successfully installed.
All my devices were successfully installed.
The correct paper sizes are set for printing
I will print an A4 sized document.
When I print a document from Microsoft Word it should fit the A4 page. 
When I printed my document it successful fitted on the page.
Menu options work as intended
I will click on the start button and click on the ‘My Pictures’ folder.
When I click on the start menu and click ‘My Pictures’ it should successfully load.
‘My Pictures’ was successful in loading.
The correct date and time are set
I will check the time on a radio controlled clock.
The time and date in the bottom right hand corner should be accurate to my location.
The time and date where both correct.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Unit 2 P8

Learner name
Ethan Ogden
BTEC National 1st certificate in IT
Unit number and title
Unit 2.2 computer systems.
Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)
Using the computer system provided, carry out the following routine maintenance:                                        Create a file structure under user as follows
A folder labelled with your name and within this folder create 3 folders labelled Home, Work and Study    Configure the operating system to perform the following:
      back-up procedures
       automatic scheduling and deletion of unwanted data
       deleting temporary files
        Cleaning keyboard, mouse, display screen of the computer provided     
           replacing consumables printer paper in the printer provided
         replacing the damaged mouse
Assessment and grading criteria
Task 4. Undertake routine maintenance tasks on a standalone computer system. P8
How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment and grading criteria, including how and where the activity took place
Ethan completed this assessment by successfully completing all of the tasks above. He successfully showed that he is able to create a specified file structure. He set up the operating system to archive and carried on to defragment the computer. He deleted the temporary files. He then safely maintained the computer by cleaning the keyboard, mouse and also the display screen to a high quality. He then replaced the damaged mouse with a fully working one. By doing all this to a high level of quality he has completed P8.
Witness name
Liam Paterson
Job role
Witness signature
Assessor name
Assessor signature

Unit 2 P6

Learner name
Ethan Ogden
BTEC National 1st certificate in IT
Unit number and title
Unit 2.2 computer systems.
Set up and maintain a computer system
Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)
Task 2 (P6)
Using the computer system provided:
Change the icon size to large
Change the font size to large
colour/background to red
Assessment and grading criteria
P6.configure a computer system to meet user needs

For P6, learners must configure some basic system settings, such as left and right mouse buttons, powersaving options, screen resolution, desktop theme, font size, default language setting, default folder locations etc.
How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment and grading criteria, including how and where the activity took place
Ethan was successful in changing the size of the icons from medium to large, he then went on to change the size of the font to large and make the background red. He did this by right clicking the desktop and going into ‘View’ to change the icon size. ‘Personalize’ to change the background colour, and searched for ‘ClearType’ in the search bar and changed the font size to large.
Witness name
Liam Paterson
Job role

Witness signature
Assessor name
Assessor signature